About us

Hight Precision
Award Winning
Environment Friendy
Wordlwide Shipping

Team X

Welcome to multiguys, where we are on a mission to bring you nature-friendly t-shirts and products that not only look great but also support a sustainable future. As a passionate team of nature enthusiasts, we believe that fashion should be an expression of style without compromising the environment. That’s why we have chosen to adopt eco-friendly practices throughout our entire production process.

What is POD, and why is it good for nature?

Multiguys is a Print-on-Demand (POD) company. This means that we only print our nature-friendly t-shirts and other products after you place an order. By adopting this approach, we reduce waste and minimize the impact on the environment compared to traditional bulk production methods. We’re proud to say that we’re contributing to a greener world by avoiding excessive production that often leads to unnecessary waste.

Eco-Friendly Packaging with Cartoon Package

At multiguys, we care about every aspect of sustainability. That’s why we have chosen to use Cartoon Package, an eco-friendly packaging solution. This ensures that your order is delivered in packaging that has a minimal impact on nature while keeping your products safe and secure.

  • DHL GoGreen: Sustainable Delivery

We understand that the delivery process is another crucial aspect of sustainability. That’s why we have partnered with DHL GoGreen for our shipments. DHL GoGreen is a program by DHL that focuses on reducing carbon emissions and environmental impacts associated with logistics operations. By choosing DHL GoGreen, we ensure that your order is delivered with care for the environment.

Higher Quality and More Sustainable: Made in Germany

We take pride in producing high-quality products that stand the test of time. All our nature-friendly t-shirts and products are proudly Made in Germany, adhering to stringent environmental standards. By sourcing locally, we reduce transportation-related emissions, support local communities, and ensure that each product meets our commitment to sustainability.

  • Planting Trees for a Greener Future

We believe that giving back to nature is essential for creating a better world. For every order placed at multiguys, we plant a tree as part of our commitment to reforestation efforts. Together, we can help restore natural habitats, combat deforestation, and contribute to a healthier planet for future generations.

Say No to Cheap Clothes: The Impact on Nature

As a nature-friendly brand, we encourage our customers to be conscious consumers. Cheaply-made clothing often comes at the cost of the environment and exploited labor. These products are often produced with little regard for sustainability and can lead to increased waste and pollution. By choosing multiguys, you make a positive impact and support a more responsible and ethical fashion industry.

  • Our Vision and You

At multiguys, we are driven by a vision of a greener, more sustainable future. We aspire to cater to all tastes and styles while staying committed to our eco-friendly principles. Our website offers a delightful shopping experience, showcasing wonderful products and designs that suit your unique preferences. Together, we can achieve great things, and with your support, we’re confident in making our ambitious goals a reality.

When you shop with multiguys, you not only get high-quality and stylish nature-friendly products, but you also become a part of a movement towards a greener and more sustainable world. Every purchase you make supports ethical and environmentally responsible practices, allowing you to wear your values proudly.

Join us on this journey towards a better tomorrow. Explore our collection and be a part of the positive change. Together, we can make a difference!

At multiguys, we believe that every step we take towards sustainability matters. That’s why we’ve partnered with Stanley/Stella, a leading apparel brand known for its strong commitment to environmental and social responsibility.

  • Sustainable Sourcing: A Foundation for Nature-Friendly Products

Stanley/Stella’s dedication to nature-friendly practices begins with responsible sourcing. They carefully select materials that have a lower impact on the environment, such as organic cotton and recycled polyester. By using organic cotton, they reduce the use of harmful pesticides and chemicals, promoting healthier soil and waterways.

  • Ethical Manufacturing: Caring for People and the Planet

At multiguys, we share Stanley/Stella’s belief that sustainable fashion should never come at the expense of people. That’s why we are proud to collaborate with a brand that is equally committed to ethical manufacturing practices. Stanley/Stella ensures fair wages, safe working conditions, and empowers workers throughout their supply chain. By supporting their products, you’re also supporting a more just and equitable fashion industry.

  • Transparency and Certifications: Trustworthy Nature-Friendly Fashion

Stanley/Stella maintains a transparent approach to their production process, allowing consumers to trace their products’ origins and verify the brand’s environmental claims. They hold certifications from global organizations like GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) and Fair Wear Foundation, which validate their commitment to sustainability and ethical practices.

  • Circular Economy: Closing the Loop

As advocates of a circular economy, Stanley/Stella goes beyond producing nature-friendly clothing. They also encourage customers to embrace conscious consumption and responsible end-of-life management. Their durable, high-quality garments are designed to last, promoting less frequent replacement and minimizing waste. Additionally, they actively explore recycling and upcycling initiatives to give old garments new life.

  • Empowering Change, One Garment at a Time

By choosing products from Stanley/Stella, you are making a positive impact on the planet and supporting a brand that is dedicated to creating lasting change in the fashion industry. Each purchase is a step towards a greener and more sustainable future, aligning perfectly with our shared values at multiguys.

  • Together, Towards a Nature-Friendly Future

We are proud to offer Stanley/Stella’s nature-friendly products in our collection. Through this partnership, we aspire to provide you with fashion choices that not only reflect your style but also your commitment to preserving the environment and supporting ethical practices.

Join us on this journey towards a more sustainable future. Explore our Stanley/Stella collection and discover stylish, nature-friendly garments that speak to your heart and soul.

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